Monday, November 10, 2008


I finally decided to come back. I really hate blogging because it seems like no matter how hard I try I can't seem to put my thoughts down in words. It's so much easier to just talk or have a conversation with someone. And who wants to read what I have to say anyway? I guess the only way to get better at expressing myself in a blog is to blog in a blog.

UPDATES: In my fifth year at the UO still trying to finish my advertising major. Working at Cumulus Broadcasting and now at Jameson's bar in downtown Eugene. It has been a little rough keeping up with full time school and then having to immediately go to work at either of these places. I'm making a lot of money but hopefully I don't fail any of my classes.

I'll probably be on here from day to day trying to update even if it's just something stupid. Anyway this made me laugh:

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